Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Je Suis Nostalgique

As the Los Angeles climate starts to simmer down a bit, the breeze feels just slightly frigid when the sun sets, and there is even just a little bit of fog over LA town, I miss the city where it was almost always cold, the air is always crisp, and the people always strike you one way or another.

San Francisco a place I will always be proud to have resided in because it caused me to morph in such a great way. Sometimes I feel a little displaced here in LA. Maybe this is because I haven't found my niche, maybe its just a weird transition period , my I'll just never be satisfied staying in one spot when I know that there is a whole world out there. Who knows.

Either way, I always take in everything - good or bad - and just live it and love it. I mean, what else are ya gonna do????

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