Monday, November 06, 2006

Ready, Set.....

I'm really not quite sure where I'm going to go with this yet but I guess this is a start.

Iguazu Falls, Puerto Iguazu, Argentina. This trip definately left my feet aching for more. I've made plans for so many destinations in the next few years. I can not wait to take off again!

All a girl needs in life is a backpack and a passport, the rest just doesn't matter. The good and great things happen along the way, and whats lost is usually just extra baggage anyway.

What's on my travel itinerary?? The entire freaking world! However, what seems to lie in the near future are Paris and London. Those places were never a priority on my list, but I met someone who left curiosity in me.

In the mean time a girl has got to earn money for these trips so I'll just be doing my thing, making this and other things happen.

What's keeping me happy lately? Mint chocolate chip ice cream, scented candles, cool evenings, decorating my room, hanging out with my sister, and just sitting outside trying to be creative.

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